
What Industry Experts are Saying About Turf Canada

Robert Burrows, Master Superintendent
Fairmont Banff Springs, Banff, Alberta

Charged with the care of such an iconic facility, the Turf Care team, led by Course and Grounds Superintendent, Robert Burrows CGCS, MS, takes their guardianship very seriously. In an effort to ensure they provide the very best in playing conditions, they rely on proven products supported by outstanding suppliers.

Fairmont Banff Springs Celebrating 100 years as a golf club, and recently hosting the televised TELUS World Skins game in July, his turf team had an added level of excitement for the 2011 season. In an effort to showcase the playability and presentation of the healthiest turf, they seek out superior products. One of the foundations of healthy turf is proper turf nutrition and TURF CANADA Inc. is a valued partner. Lead by Trevor Parkes and supported in Alberta by Mark Jull, the line of FLORATINE products is critical to the success of the turf team for the past 5 years.

We find their products to be of high quality raw ingredients and allow us to fine-tune nutrient deficiencies based on soil chemistry testing as we encounter varied soil temperatures or shaded sites in a high alpine environment. This line of products pre-disposes the turf plants to reach maximum potential. The health and vigor, density and tightness of our turf, from tee to green is markedly improved in that the Banff Springs is now renown for its consistent playing conditions. Much of our success is evidenced with the adoption of this product line.